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The very first of its kind—KKB is an NFT backed by a children's show! KKB is a collection of 9999 Kiki Bongo NFTs. It features clips from The Kiki Bongo Show and combined spin-off series, Present Time! A new children’s show is set to follow based off of this unique digital collectible that lives on the Ethereum blockchain. Your Kiki Bongo NFT doubles as you and your child's lifetime Kiki Bongo membership to the Kiki Bongo Klub. When the show is released you will be granted access to members-only benefits, the first of which will be Exclusive Kiki Bongo Merchandise. Future areas and perks will be unlocked by the community through roadmap activation!

The Kiki Bongo Show NFT is set to be released in tiers. The first 64 KKB NFT's are available now! The next batch is set for release in the Summer 2022. Check back here anytime for the latest tier & release schedule.
Latest Tier Release Available Now: #0000 - #0063
Coming Summer 2022: #0064 - #0110
Note: One hundred KKB's will being withheld from the sale. These will be used for giveaways, rewards, and for exclusive member contests.
The KKB NFT is cut directly from The Kiki Bong TV Show production. Each one includes a number of unique traits, including backgrounds, themes, characters, animations, and more. All KKB's are bongo-tastic, but what makes each NFT the most spectacular is the scene and/or moment from the show that you are receiving. Each NFT is a one-of-a-kind moment from the show.

When you buy a KKB, you’re not simply buying an avatar or a provably-rare piece of cinema history. You are gaining membership access to The Kiki Bongo Klub whose benefits and offerings will increase over time. Your KKB NFT can serve as your digital identity, and open exciting digital doors for you!

9999 Provably-rare 'The Kiki Bongo Show' tokens
Fair Launch, fair distribution: All KKB are a one-of-a-kind moment from the show
Ownership and commercial usage rights given to the consumer over their NFT
Exclusive members only Kiki Bongo Show Merchandise
Free giveaways, show pre-screenings, exciting contests for members
Many additional benefits through roadmap activations

We’re never gonna stop! Kiki Bongo is for life!
We’ve set up some goals to reach. Once we hit a target sell through percentage, we will begin to work on realizing the stated goal.
We pay back our families.
We release a new round of KKB Gold Series. Kiki Bongo Klub members will receive early notification of the secret release date.
KKB gets its own YouTube channel which will premiere The Kiki Bongo Show 'TV Show' Trailer as the first video.
Member-Exclusive KKB Merch Store gets unlocked, featuring Limited Edition tees, hoodies, and other sweet goodies.
The Kiki Bongo Klubhouse page goes live on our website featuring an interactive members only Bongo Hunt. The first to find Kiki Bongo will be rewarded an exclusive Gold Series KKB NFT.
The Kiki Bongo Koin is initiated.
The Kiki Bongo Show - Season 1 is released and promoted heavily making your KKB NFT worth more and more. We all can send our kids to college now!

The team is our cast! The Kiki Bongo Team is comprised of three childhood friends with a passion for kids entertainment, zany comedy, & robot A.I. pre-cyber war technology.
Kiki Bongo Loves friends, friendship, and all things tiki.
Uncle JoeJoe Surfer extraordinaire, and wearer of hip garb.
Banjo Benny Catfish addict and lives for smiling at the sun.